tesp_support.consensus package
Transactive Energy Simulation Platform (TESP) Contains the python files for the Consensus analysis
tesp_support.consensus.case_merge module
Combines GridLAB-D and agent files to run a multi-feeder TESP simulation
- Public Functions:
- merge_glm:
combines GridLAB-D input files
- merge_glm_dict:
combines GridLAB-D metadata files
- merge_agent_dict:
combines the substation agent configuration files
- merge_substation_yaml:
combines the substation agent FNCS publish/subscribe files
- merge_fncs_config:
combines GridLAB-D FNCS publish/subscribe files
- tesp_support.consensus.case_merge.merge_agent_dict(target, sources)
Combines the substation agent configuration files into “target”. The source files must already exist.
- Parameters:
target (str) – the path to the target JSON file, including the name of the file
sources (list) – list of feeder names in the target directory to merge
- tesp_support.consensus.case_merge.merge_fncs_config(target, dso, sources)
Combines GridLAB-D input files into “target”. The source feeders must already exist.
- Parameters:
target (str) – the path to the target TXT file, including the name of the file
dso (str) – dso id
sources (list) – list of feeder names in the target directory to merge
- tesp_support.consensus.case_merge.merge_glm(target, sources, xfmva)
Combines GridLAB-D input files into “target”. The source files must already exist.
- Parameters:
target (str) – the path to the target GLM file, including the name of the file
sources (list) – list of feeder names in the target directory to merge
xfmva (int)
- tesp_support.consensus.case_merge.merge_glm_dict(target, sources, xfmva)
Combines GridLAB-D metadata files into “target”. The source files must already exist.
The output JSON won’t have a top-level base_feeder attribute. Instead, the base_feeder from each source file will become a feeder key in the output JSON feeders dictionary, and then every child object on that feeder will have its feeder_id, originally network_node, changed to match the base_feeder.
- Parameters:
target (str) – the path to the target JSON file, including the name of the file
sources (list) – list of feeder names in the target directory to merge
xfmva (int)
- tesp_support.consensus.case_merge.merge_substation_yaml(target, sources)
Combines GridLAB-D input files into “target”. The source files must already exist.
- Parameters:
target (str) – the path to the target YAML file, including the name of the file
sources (list) – list of feeder names in the target directory to merge
tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent module
Manages the Transactive Control scheme for DSO+T implementation version 1
- Public Functions:
- substation_loop:
initializes and runs the agents
- tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent.destroy_federate(fed)
- tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent.inner_substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market)
Helper function that initializes and runs the DSOT agents
TODO: This needs to be updated Reads configfile. Writes auction_metrics_root_metrics.json and controller_metrics_root_metrics.json upon completion.
- Parameters:
configfile (str) – fully qualified path to the JSON agent configuration file
metrics_root (str) – base name of the case for metrics output
with_market (bool) – flag that determines if we run with markets
- tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent.register_federate(json_filename)
- tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent.substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market=True)
Wrapper for inner_substation_loop
When inner_substation_loop finishes, timing and memory metrics will be printed for non-Windows platforms.
- tesp_support.consensus.dg_agent.worker(arg)
tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent module
Manages the Transactive Control scheme for DSO+T implementation version 1
- Public Functions:
- substation_loop:
initializes and runs the agents
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent.destroy_federate(fed)
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent.inner_substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market)
Helper function that initializes and runs the DSOT agents
TODO: This needs to be updated Reads configfile. Writes auction_metrics_root_metrics.json and controller_metrics_root_metrics.json upon completion.
- Parameters:
configfile (str) – fully qualified path to the JSON agent configuration file
metrics_root (str) – base name of the case for metrics output
with_market (bool) – flag that determines if we run with markets
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent.register_federate(json_filename)
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent.substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market=True)
Wrapper for inner_substation_loop
When inner_substation_loop finishes, timing and memory metrics will be printed for non-Windows platforms.
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_agent.worker(arg)
tesp_support.consensus.dso_market module
Class that manages the operation of DSO agent
Functionalities include: Aggregate demand bids from different substations; Wholesale no da trial clearing; Conversion between wholesale price and retail price; Generate substation supply curves with and without consideration of the transformer degradation.
- class tesp_support.consensus.dso_market.DSOMarket(dso_dict, key)
This agent manages the DSO operating
- Parameters:
- name
name of the DSO agent
- Type:
- price_cap
the maximum price that is allowed in the market, in $/kWh
- Type:
- num_samples
the number of sampling points, describes how precisely the curve is sampled
- Type:
- windowLength
length of the planning horizon for the DA market, in hours
- Type:
- DSO_Q_max
maximum limit of the DSO load capacity, in kWh
- Type:
- transformer_degradation
flag variable, equals to 1 when transformer degradation effect is taken into account
- Type:
- curve_a
array of second order coefficients for the wholesale node curve, indexed by day_of_sim and hour_of_day
- Type:
- curve_b
array of first order coefficients of the wholesale node curve, indexed by day_of_sim and hour_of_day
- Type:
- curve_c
array of intercepts of the wholesale node curve, indexed by day_of_sim and hour_of_day
- Type:
- Pwclear_RT
cleared wholesale price by real-time wholesale node trial clearing, in $/kWh
- Type:
- Pwclear_DA
list of cleared wholesale price by day-ahead wholesale node trial clearing, in $/kWh, indexed by hour
- Type:
- trial_cleared_quantity_RT
trial cleared quantity by real-time wholesale node trial clearing, in kWh
- Type:
- trial_cleared_quantity_DA
trial cleared quantity by day-ahead wholesale node trial clearing, in kWh
- Type:
- curve_DSO_DA
dictionary of aggregated demand curves at DSO level from day-ahead retail market, indexed by hour
- Type:
- curve_ws_node
dictionary of wholesale node curves, indexed by day_of_sim and hour_of_day
- Type:
- trial_clear_type_RT
trial cleared type of real-time wholesale node trial clearing
- Type:
- trial_clear_type_DA
trial cleared type of day-ahead wholesale node trial clearing, indexed by hour
- Type:
- hour_of_day
current hour of the day
- Type:
- day_of_week
current day of the week
- Type:
- customer_count_mix_residential
Residential percentage of the total customer count mix
- number_of_gld_homes
Total number of GLD homes for the DSO
- clean_bids_DA()
Initialize the day-ahead wholesale node trial clearing
- clean_bids_RT()
Initialize the real-time wholesale node trial clearing
- curve_aggregator_DSO_DA(demand_curve_DA, Q_max)
Function used to aggregate the substation-level DA demand curves into a DSO-level DA demand curve
- Parameters:
demand_curve_DA (dict) – a collection of demand curves to be aggregated for day-ahead
Q_max (float) – maximum capacity of the substation, in kW
- curve_aggregator_DSO_RT(demand_curve_RT, Q_max)
Function used to aggregate the substation-level RT demand curves into a DSO-level RT demand curve
- Parameters:
demand_curve_RT (Curve) – demand curve to be aggregated for real-time
Q_max (float) – maximum capacity of the substation, in kW
- curve_preprocess(substation_demand_curve, Q_max)
- An internal shared function called by curve_aggregator_DSO_RT and curve_aggregator_DSO_DA functions to truncate
the substation demand curve before aggregation as well as convert the retail prices into wholesale prices
- generate_TOC(costInterval, maxPuLoad, num_samples, TOC_dict)
Function used to calculate the total owning cost of transformer
- Parameters:
costInterval (int) – interval for calculating the cost, in minutes
maxPuLoad (float) – maximum pu loading factor
num_samples (int) – number of sampling points
TOC_dict (dict) – configuration parameters for transformer
- Returns:
price axis of unit owning cost, in $/kWh LoadsForPlot (list): quantity axis of unit owing cost, in kWh
- Return type:
DollarsForPlot (list)
- retail_rate(Pw)
Function used to convert the wholesale prices into retail prices
- Parameters:
Pw (float) – wholesale price, in $/kWh
- Returns:
retail price, in $/kWh
- Return type:
Pr (float)
- retail_rate_inverse(Pr)
Function used to convert the retail prices into wholesale prices
- Parameters:
Pr (float) – retail price, in $/kWh
- Returns:
wholesale price, in $/kWh
- Return type:
Pw (float)
- set_Pwclear_DA(hour_of_day, day_of_week)
Function used to implement the DA trial wholesale node clearing and update the Pwclear_DA value
- Parameters:
hour_of_day (int) – current hour of the day
day_of_week (int) – current day of the week
- set_Pwclear_RT(hour_of_day, day_of_week)
Function used to implement the RT trial wholesale node clearing and update the Pwclear_RT value
- Parameters:
hour_of_day (int) – current hour of the day
day_of_week (int) – current day of the week
- set_cleared_q_da(val)
Set the clear quantity for day ahead
- Parameters:
val (double) – lmp for the bus/substation
- set_cleared_q_rt(val)
Set the clear quantity for real time
- Parameters:
val (double) – lmp for the bus/substation
- set_ind_load(industrial_load)
Set the industrial load based on provided load by a csv file after base-case, complex number
- Parameters:
industrial_load (str) – industrial load of substation
- set_ind_load_da(industrial_load_da)
Set the ercot ind load for the next 24-hours provided load by a csv file after base-case, complex number
- Parameters:
industrial_load_da (24 x 1 array of double) – industry load values for the next day ahead are given in MW
- set_lmp_da(val)
Set the lmp for day ahead
- Parameters:
val (array of double) – lmp for the day ahead
- set_lmp_rt(val)
Set the lmp for real time
- Parameters:
val (double) – lmp for the bus/substation
- set_ref_load(ref_load)
Set the reference (ercot) load based on provided load by a csv file after base-case, complex number
- Parameters:
ref_load (str) – total load of substation
- set_ref_load_da(ref_load_da)
Set the ercot load for the next 24-hours provided load by a csv file after base-case, complex number
- Parameters:
ref_load_da (24 x 1 array of double) – ercot load values for the next day ahead
- set_total_load(total_load)
Set the residential load based on provided load by GLD, complex number
- Parameters:
total_load (str) – total load of substation
- substation_supply_curve_DA(retail_obj)
Function used to generate the DA supply curves for each substation
- Variables:
FeederCongPrice (float): feeder congestion price, in $/kWh FeederPkDemandPrice (float): feeder peak demand price, in $/kWh FeederCongCapacity (float): feeder congestion capacity, in kWh FeederPkDemandCapacity (float): feeder peak demand, in kWh Q_max_retail (float): substation limit, in kWh Q_max_DSO (float): can change when the demand bid is higher than the original DSO limit maxPuLoading (float): maximum pu loading factor TOC_dict (dict): configuration parameters for transformer
- Returns:
a collection of substation supply curves for day-ahead market clearing
- Return type:
supply_curve_DA (list)
- substation_supply_curve_RT(retail_obj)
Function used to generate the RT supply curve for each substation
- Variables:
FeederCongPrice (float): feeder congestion price, in $/kWh FeederPkDemandPrice (float): feeder peak demand price, in $/kWh FeederCongCapacity (float): feeder congestion capacity, in kWh FeederPkDemandCapacity (float): feeder peak demand, in kWh Q_max_retail (float): substation limit, in kWh Q_max_DSO (float): can change when the demand bid is higher than the original DSO limit maxPuLoading (float): maximum pu loading factor TOC_dict (dict): configuration parameters for transformer
- Returns:
substation supply curve for real-time market clearing
- Return type:
supply_curve_RT (curve)
- supply_curve(Prclear, FeederCongCapacity, FeederPkDemandCapacity, num_samples, Q_max, maxPuLoading, TOC_dict)
An internal shared function called by substation_supply_curve_RT and substation_supply_curve_DA functions to generate the supply curve when considering the transformer degradation
- Parameters:
Prclear (float) – retail price overted from wholesale price obtained from trial wholesale node clearing, in $/kWh
FeederCongCapacity (float) – feeder congestion capacity, in kWh
FeederPkDemandCapacity (float) – feeder peak demand, in kWh
num_samples (int) – number of sampling points
Q_max (float) – substation limit, in kWh
maxPuLoading (float) – maximum pu loading factor
TOC_dict (dict) – configuration parameters for transformer
- Variables:
FeederCongPrice (float): feeder congestion price, in $/kWh FeederPkDemandPrice (float): feeder peak demand price, in $/kWh
- Returns:
quantity sampling of the supply curve, in kWh SupplyPrices (list): prices sampling of the supply curve, in $/kWh
- Return type:
SupplyQuantities (list)
- test_function()
Test function with the only purpose of returning the name of the object
- trial_wholesale_clearing(curve_ws_node, curve_DSO)
- An internal shared function called by set_Pwclear_RT and
set_Pwclear_DA functions to implement the trial wholesale node clearing
- update_wholesale_node_curve()
Update the wholesale node curves according to the most updated curve coefficients, may be updated every day
- tesp_support.consensus.dso_market.test()
tesp_support.consensus.forecasting module
Class responsible for forecasting
Implements the substation level DA price forecast and load forecast
- class tesp_support.consensus.forecasting.Forecasting
This Class perform the forecast
- Parameters:
TODO (#) – update inputs
TODO – Load base case run files
update attributes
- add_skew_scalar(datafr, N_skew, N_scalar)
Skew the values with given seconds and multiply by scalar in the whole year dataframe
Args: datafr (DataFrame): dataframe created with the schedule name for a year N_skew (int): number of seconds to skew either (+ or -)
- calc_solar_flux(cpt, day_of_yr, lat, sol_time, dnr_i, dhr_i, vertical_angle)
- calc_solargain(day_of_yr, time, dnr, dhr, lat, lon, tz_offset)
- forecasting_schedules(datafr, time)
Returns windowlength values of given time as forecating :param datafr: schedule dataframe used to forecast :param time: current time at which DA optimization occurs
- get_internal_gain_forecast(skew_scalar, time)
Forecast the electric zip_load and internal gain of all zip loads of a house by reading schedule files and applying skew. Forecast is for 48 hours ahead from start time :param skew_scalar: dictionary containing ‘zip_skew’, ‘zip_scalar’ and ‘zip_heatgain_fraction’ for each zip load :type skew_scalar: dict :param ‘zip_skew’ is a scalar and same for all type of zip loads for the given house. ‘zip_scalar’ and ‘zip_heatgain_fraction’: :param are dictionary containing different values for each type of zip load: :param time: Datetime format: forecast start time :type time: datetime
- Returns:
48 values of total zip loads and total internal gain due to zip loads
- Return type:
- get_solar_gain_forecast(climate_conf, current_time)
- get_substation_unresponsive_industrial_load_forecast(peak_load=3500.0)
Get substation unresponsive industrial load forecast
- Args:
peak_load (float): peak load in kWh
- Returns:
forecast of next 48-hours unresponsive load
- Return type:
base_run_load (float x 48)
- get_substation_unresponsive_load_forecast(peak_load=7500.0)
Get substation unresponsive load forecast
TODO: Update to model that make use of the base case run files TODO: Get weather forecast from weather agent
- Parameters:
peak_load (float) – peak load in kWh
- Returns:
forecast of next 48-hours unresponsive load
- Return type:
base_run_load (float x 48)
- get_waterdraw_forecast(skew_scalar, time)
- static initialize_schedule_dataframe(start_time, end_time)
Initialize the data frame for one year
- Parameters:
start_time (datetime, str) – time in str format - DD/MM/YYY HH:MT:SS
end_time (datetime, str) – time in str format - DD/MM/YYY HH:MT:SS
- make_dataframe_schedule(filename, schedule_name)
Reads .glm files with multiple schedule names and makes dataframe for a year for given schedule name
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of glm file to be loaded
schedule_name (str) – name of the schedule to be laoded
- set_retail_price_forecast(DA_SW_prices)
Set substation price forecast
Nonsummable diminishing.
- Parameters:
DA_SW_prices (float x 48) – cleared price in $/kWh from the last shifting window run
- Returns:
forecasted prices in $/kWh for the next 48-hours
- Return type:
forecasted_price (float x 48)
- set_sch_year(year)
- set_solar_diffuse_forecast(fncs_str)
Set the 48 hour solar diffuse forecast :param solar_diffuse_forecast: :type solar_diffuse_forecast: [float x 48]
- set_solar_direct_forecast(fncs_str)
Set the 48 hour solar direct forecast :param solar_direct_forecast: :type solar_direct_forecast: [float x 48]
tesp_support.consensus.generator module
- tesp_support.consensus.generator.Consenus_dist_DA(dso_market_obj, DA_horizon, fed, hour_of_day, time_granted, time_market_DA_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.generator.Consenus_dist_RT(dso_market_obj, fed, hour_of_day, time_granted, time_market_RT_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.generator.construct_Laplacian(N_agents)
tesp_support.consensus.glm_dictionary module
Functions to create metadata from a GridLAB-D input (GLM) file
Metadata is written to a JSON file, for convenient loading into a Python dictionary. It can be used for agent configuration, e.g., to initialize a forecasting model based on some nominal data. It’s also used with metrics output in post-processing.
- Public Functions:
- glm_dict:
Writes the JSON metadata file.
- tesp_support.consensus.glm_dictionary.append_include_file(lines, fname)
- tesp_support.consensus.glm_dictionary.ercotMeterName(objname)
Enforces the meter naming convention for ERCOT
Replaces anything after the last _ with mtr.
- Parameters:
objname (str) – the GridLAB-D name of a house or inverter
- Returns:
The GridLAB-D name of upstream meter
- Return type:
- tesp_support.consensus.glm_dictionary.glm_dict_with_microgrids(name_root, config=None, ercot=False)
Writes the JSON metadata file from a GLM file
This function reads name_root.glm and writes [name_root]_glm_dict.json The GLM file should have some meters and triplex_meters with the bill_mode attribute defined, which identifies them as billing meters that parent houses and inverters. If this is not the case, ERCOT naming rules can be applied to identify billing meters.
- Parameters:
name_root (str) – path and file name of the GLM file, without the extension
config (dict)
ercot (bool) – request ERCOT billing meter naming. Defaults to false. — THIS NEEDS TO LEAVE THIS PLACE
te30 (bool) – request hierarchical meter handling in the 30-house test harness. Defaults to false. — THIS NEEDS TO LEAVE THIS PLACE
- tesp_support.consensus.glm_dictionary.ti_enumeration_string(tok)
if thermal_integrity_level is an integer, convert to a string for the metadata
tesp_support.consensus.microgrid module
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid.Consenus_dist_DA(dso_market_obj, DA_horizon, fed, time_granted, time_market_DA_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid.Consenus_dist_RT(dso_market_obj, fed, time_granted, time_market_RT_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid.construct_Laplacian(N_agents)
tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent module
Manages the Transactive Control scheme for DSO+T implementation version 1
- Public Functions:
- substation_loop:
initializes and runs the agents
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent.destroy_federate(fed)
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent.inner_substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market)
Helper function that initializes and runs the DSOT agents
TODO: This needs to be updated Reads configfile. Writes auction_metrics_root_metrics.json and controller_metrics_root_metrics.json upon completion.
- Parameters:
configfile (str) – fully qualified path to the JSON agent configuration file
metrics_root (str) – base name of the case for metrics output
with_market (bool) – flag that determines if we run with markets
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent.register_federate(json_filename)
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent.substation_loop(configfile, metrics_root, with_market=True)
Wrapper for inner_substation_loop
When inner_substation_loop finishes, timing and memory metrics will be printed for non-Windows platforms.
- tesp_support.consensus.microgrid_agent.worker(arg)
tesp_support.consensus.residential_feeder_glm module
tesp_support.consensus.retail_market module
Class that manages the operation of retail market at substation-level
Functionalities include: collecting curve bids from DER and DSO agents; generating aggregated buyer and seller curves; market clearing for both RT and DA retail markets; deciding cleared quantity for individual DERs.
The function call order for this agent is:
- Repeats at every hour:
clean_bids_DA() curve_aggregator_DA(identity, bid, id) … curve_aggregator_DA(identity, bid, id) clear_market_DA(transformer_degradation, Q_max)
- Repeats at every 5 min:
clean_bids_RT() curve_aggregator_RT(identity, bid, id) … curve_aggregator_RT(identity, bid, id) clear_market_RT(transformer_degradation, Q_max)
- class tesp_support.consensus.retail_market.RetailMarket(retail_dict, key)
This agent manages the retail market operating
- Parameters:
- name
name of the retail market agent
- Type:
- price_cap
the maximum price that is allowed in the market, in $/kWh
- Type:
- num_samples
the number of sampling points, describes how precisely the curve is sampled
- Type:
- windowLength
length of the planning horizon for the DA market, in hours
- Type:
- Q_max
capacity of the substation, in kWh
- Type:
- maxPuLoading
rate of the maxPuLoading for transformer
- Type:
- curve_buyer_DA
48 aggregated buyer curves, updated after receiving each DA buyer bid
- Type:
dict of curves
- curve_seller_DA
48 aggregated seller curves, updated after receiving each DA seller bid
- Type:
dict of curves
- clear_type_RT
0=uncongested, 1=congested, 2=inefficient, 3=failure
- Type:
- clear_type_DA
list of clear type at each hour
- Type:
- cleared_price_RT
cleared price for the substation for the next 5-min
- Type:
- cleared_price_DA
list of cleared price at each hour
- Type:
- cleared_quantity_RT
cleared quantity for the substation for the next 5-min
- Type:
- cleared_quantity_DA
list of cleared quantity at each hour
- Type:
- site_responsive_DA
Site_Day_Ahead quantity which is responsive
- Type:
- site unresponsive DA
Site Day Ahead quantity which is unresponsive
- Type:
Smooth Quadratics
- Type:
list X 5
Smooth Quadratics
- Type:
(list X 5) X windowLength
- TOC_dict
parameters related to transformer lifetime cost calculation, including OperatingPeriod (int): operating period, in minute timeStep (int): timestep, in minute Tamb (float): ambient temperature, in deg C delta_T_TO_init (int): initial delta temperature of top oil, in deg C delta_T_W_init (int): initial delta temperature of winding, in deg C BP (float): initial cost of transformer, in $ toc_A (float): cost per watt for no-load losses, in $/W toc_B (float): cost per watt for load losses, in $/W Base_Year (float): expected lifespan of transformer, in year P_Rated (float): capacity, in W NLL_rate (float): no load loss rate, in % LL_rate (float): load loss rate, in % Sec_V (float): secondary voltage level, in volt TOU_TOR (float): oil time constant, in minute TOU_GR (float): winding time constant, in minute Oil_n (float): Oil exponent n Wind_m (float): Winding exponent m delta_T_TOR (float): top oil temperature rise, in deg C delta_T_ave_wind_R (float): average winding temperature rise over ambient temperature, in deg C
- Type:
- clean_bids_DA()
Initialize the day-ahead market
- clean_bids_RT()
Initialize the real-time market
- clear_market(curve_buyer, curve_seller, transformer_degradation, Q_max)
Shared function called by both clear_market_RT and clear_market_DA functions to find the intersection between supply curve and demand curve
- Parameters:
- Outputs:
clear_type (int) cleared_price (float) cleared_quantity (float) congestion_surcharge (float)
- clear_market_DA(transformer_degradation, Q_max)
Function used for clearing the DA market
Three steps of work are fullfilled in a loop in this function: First the buyer curve at each hour is fitted polynomial; Second clear_market function is called for calculating the cleared price and cleared quantity for the whole market at each hour; Third distribute_cleared_quantity function is called for finding the cleared price and cleared quantity for the individual DERs at each hour.
buyer_info_DA and seller_info_DA, clear_type_DA, cleared_price_DA and cleared_quantity_DA are updated with cleared results
- clear_market_RT(transformer_degradation, Q_max)
Function used for clearing the RT market
Three steps of work are fullfilled in this function: First the buyer curve is fitted polynomial; Second clear_market function is called for calculating the cleared price and cleared quantity for the whole market; Third distribute_cleared_quantity function is called for finding the cleared price and cleared quantity for the individual DERs.
buyer_info_RT and seller_info_RT, clear_type_RT, cleared_price_RT and cleared_quantity_RT are updated with cleared results
- convert_2_AMES_quadratic_BID(curve, Q_cleared, price_forecast)
Convert aggregated DSO type bid to AMES quadratic curve
- Parameters:
curve (Curve) – substation demand curve to be preprocessed
price_forecast – locally forecast price at the substation level
Q_cleared – locally cleared quantity at the substation
- Returns:
- f(Q)=resp_c2*Q^2+C1*Q+C0
unresp_mw (float): minimum demand MW resp_max_mw (float): maximum demand MW resp_c2 (float): quadratic coefficient resp_c1 (float): linear coefficient resp_c0 (float): constant coefficient resp_deg (int): equal to “2” to represent the current order in the list
- Return type:
quadratic_bid (list)
- curve_aggregator_AMES_DA(demand_curve_DA, Q_max, Q_cleared, price_forecast)
Function used to aggregate the substation-level DA demand curves into a DSO-level DA demand curve
- Parameters:
demand_curve_DA (dict) – a collection of demand curves to be aggregated for day-ahead
Q_max (float) – maximum capacity of the substation, in kW
Q_cleared (float) – locally cleared quantity of the substation in kW
price_forecast (float) – locally forecast price at the substation level
- curve_aggregator_AMES_RT(demand_curve_RT, Q_max, Q_cleared, price_forecast)
Function used to aggregate the substation-level RT demand curves into a DSO-level RT demand curve
- Parameters:
demand_curve_RT (Curve) – demand curve to be aggregated for real-time
Q_max (float) – maximum capacity of the substation, in kW
Q_cleared (float) – locally cleared quantity of the substation in kW
price_forecast (float) – locally forecast price at the substation level
- curve_aggregator_DA(identity, bid_DA, name)
Function used to collect the DA bid and update the accumulated buyer or seller curve
- Parameters:
identity (str) – identifies whether the bid is collected from a “Buyer” or “Seller”
bid_DA (list) – a nested list with dimension (self.windowLength, m, 2), with m equals 2 to 4
name (str) – name of the buyer or seller
- curve_aggregator_RT(identity, bid_RT, name)
Function used to collect the RT bid and update the accumulated buyer or seller curve
- Parameters:
identity (str) – identifies whether the bid is collected from a “Buyer” or “Seller”
bid_RT (list) – a nested list with dimension (m, 2), with m equals 2 to 4
name (str) – name of the buyer or seller
- curve_preprocess(substation_demand_curve, Q_max)
- An internal shared function called by curve_aggregator_DSO_RT and curve_aggregator_DSO_DA functions to truncate
the substation demand curve before aggregation as well as convert the retail prices into wholesale prices
- formulate_bid_industrial_da(industrial_load_forecast, price_forecast)
- This file is to create a bid curve for industrial customer for the given demand-price elasticity
elasticity (a) = (del-Q/Q)/(del-P/P) –> del-Q/del-p = a * Q / P The slope of the bid curve for the industrial load will be Slope (S) = (del-Q/del-P) The Q-axis intercept for the bid curve will be (C_Q) = Q + S * del-p = Q - a * Q The P-axis intercept for the bid curve will be (C_P) = P + S * 1 / del-Q = P - P / a
- Args:
price_forecast: forecasted price in $/kWh at the instance (if we are going to bid directly in ISO, then this is LMP forecast, or else, it is retail price forecast industrial_load_forecast: forecast quantity of industrial load in kW at that instant
- Returns:
bid_da (float) (1 x windowLength): Bid quantity from optimization for all hours of the window specified by windowLength
- formulate_bid_industrial_rt(industrial_load, price_cleared)
- This file is to create real time bid curve for industrial customer for the given demand-price elasticity
elasticity (a) = (del-Q/Q)/(del-P/P) –> del-Q/del-p = a * Q / P The slope of the bid curve for the industrial load will be Slope (S) = (del-Q/del-P) The Q-axis intercept for the bid curve will be (C_Q) = Q + S * del-p = Q - a * Q The P-axis intercept for the bid curve will be (C_P) = P + S * 1 / del-Q = P - P / a
- Args:
price_cleared (float): Price cleared in $/kWh at the instance (if we are going to bid directly in ISO, then this is LMP forecast, or else, it is retail price forecast industrial_load (float): The most updated (closer to real-time) industrial load in kW at that instant
- Returns:
bid_rt (1,2)X4): 4 point industrial load bid
- process_site_da_quantities(forecast_load, name, status)
Function stores the day-ahead quantities, primarily for HVAC at the moment, it utilizes
arguments in: unresponsive loads (1x 48) dataframe responsive loads (1x48) dataframe name: of the house (str) returns self.site_quantity_DA (dict, ‘name’, ‘ status (participating or not participating’, ‘Quantity (1 x 48) )
- retail_rate_inverse(Pr)
Function used to convert the retail prices into wholesale prices
- Parameters:
Pr (float) – retail price, in $/kWh
- Returns:
wholesale price, in $/kWh
- Return type:
Pw (float)
- test_function()
Test function with the only purpose of returning the name of the object
- tesp_support.consensus.retail_market.test()
Testing AMES
tesp_support.consensus.substation module
- tesp_support.consensus.substation.Consenus_dist_DA(dso_market_obj, DA_horizon, fed, hour_of_day, time_granted, time_market_DA_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.substation.Consenus_dist_RT(dso_market_obj, fed, hour_of_day, time_granted, time_market_RT_complete)
- tesp_support.consensus.substation.construct_Laplacian(N_agents)
tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent module
Weather Agent
This weather agent needs an WEATHER_CONFIG environment variable to be set, which is a json file.
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.convertTimeToSeconds(time)
Convert time string with unit to integer in seconds
It only parse unit in day, hour, minute and second. It will not recognize week, month, year, millisecond, microsecond or nanosecond, they can be added if needed.
- Parameters:
time (str) – time with unit
- Returns:
(int) represent the input time in second
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.deltaTimeToResampleFreq(time)
Convert time unit to a resampling frequency that can be recognized by pandas.DataFrame.resample()
It only parse unit in day, hour, minute and second. It won’t recognize week, month, year, millisecond, microsecond or nanosecond, they can be added if needed.
- Parameters:
time (str) – time with unit
- Returns:
(str) time with resample frequency
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.destroy_federate(fed)
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.findDeltaTimeMultiplier(time)
Find the multiplier to convert delta_time to seconds
It only parse unit in day, hour, minute and second. It won’t recognize week, month, year, millisecond, microsecond or nanosecond, they can be added if needed.
- Parameters:
time (str) – time with unit
- Returns:
(int) the multiplier to convert delta_time to seconds
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.register_federate(json_filename)
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.startWeatherAgent(file)
The weather agent publishes weather data as configured by the json file
- Parameters:
file (str) – the weather data file
- Returns:
- tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.usage()
- class tesp_support.consensus.weather_agent.weather_forecast(variable, period, W_dict)
This object includes the error to a weather variable
- Parameters:
variable (str) – Type of weather variable being forecasted
period (int) – period of the sinusoidal bias
W_dict (dict) – dictionary for specifying the generation of the error envelope
- weather_variable
Type of weather variable being forecasted
- Type:
- # Type of error insertion
- distribution
type of distribution –> 0 uniform;1 triangular;2 truncated normal the standard deviation is computed for 95% of values to be within bounds in a conventional normal distribution
- Type:
- P_e_bias
pu maximum bias at first hour –> [0 to 1]
- Type:
- P_e_envelope
pu maximum error from mean values –> [0 to 1]
- Type:
- Lower_e_bound
pu of the maximum error at the first hour –> [0 to 1]
- Type:
- # Bias variable
- biasM
sinusoidal bias for altering the error envelope
- Type:
float) (1 X period
- Period_bias
period of the sinusoidal bias
- Type:
- get_truncated_normal(EL, EH)
Truncated normal distribution
- make_forecast(weather, t=0)
Include error to a known weather variable
- Parameters:
weather (float) (1 x desired number of hours ahead) – known weather variable
t (int) – time in hours
- Returns:
weather variable with included error ENV_U (float) (1 x desired number of hours ahead): envelope with bias upper bound ENV_l (float) (1 x desired number of hours ahead): envelope with bias lower bound
- Return type:
weather_f (float) (1 x desired number of hours ahead)