Building on Ubuntu

This procedure builds all components from scratch. If you’ve already built GridLAB-D on your machine, please take note of the specific GitHub branch requirements for TESP:

  • develop for GridLAB-D

  • feature/opendss for FNCS

  • fncs_9.3.0 for EnergyPlus

  • master for HELICS 2.0

You may also need to upgrade the gcc and g++ compilers. This build procedure has been tested with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and gcc/g++ 7.3.0.

When you finish the build, try TESP Demonstrations and Examples.

Preparation - Virtual Machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Linux can be installed on Windows (or Mac) using a virtual machine (VM), such as VirtualBox from The following instructions have been written for the example of installing Ubuntu 18.04 under VirtualBox for Windows. The same instructions also work for Ubuntu 18.04 under VMWare Fusion for Mac OS X.

Another option is to use the WSL feature built in to Windows, as described at WSL does not support graphical applications, including the Eclipse IDE, but it may have other advantages for building and running command-line tools, like TESP and GridLAB-D. The following instructions work for Ubuntu 18.04 set up that way under WSL, with a few suggested changes to the TESP build:

  • from the cdwr prompt, use mkdir usrc instead of mkdir ~/src before checking out repositories from GitHub. This makes it easier to keep track of separate source trees for Windows and Linux, if you are building from both on the same machine.

  • the first step of sudo apt-get install git is not necessary

  • when building the Java 10 binding for FNCS, you have to manually copy the fncs.jar and to the correct place. The paths are different because of how WSL integrates the Windows and Linux file systems

  • for HELICS bindings, add JAVAPATH to ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc

TESP and its component simulators do not perform as well under WSL1 as they do inside a VM. Performance testing has not been done with WSL2.

Preparation - Build Tools and Java

# build tools
sudo apt-get -y install git-lfs
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
sudo apt-get -y install autoconf
sudo apt-get -y install libtool
sudo apt-get -y install libjsoncpp-dev
sudo apt-get -y install gfortran
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
sudo apt-get -y install subversion
# Java support
sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-11-jre-headless
sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-11-jdk-headless
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
# for HELICS and FNCS
sudo apt-get -y install libzmq5-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libczmq-dev
# for GridLAB-D
sudo apt-get -y install libxerces-c-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libsuitesparse-dev
# end users replace libsuitesparse-dev with libklu1, which is licensed LGPL
# for AMES market simulator
sudo apt-get -y install coinor-cbc
# if not using miniconda (avoid Python 3.7 on Ubuntu for now)
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
sudo apt-get -y install python3-tk

Preparation - Python 3 and Packages

If you didn’t previously install Python 3 using apt, which is the recommended method and version for TESP, please download and execute a Linux install script for Miniconda (Python*3.7*+) from The script should not be run as root, otherwise, you won’t have permission to install Python packages. After the script configures Conda please re-open the Ubuntu terminal as instructed.

With Python 3 available, install and test the TESP packages:

pip3 install tesp_support --upgrade

In order to install psst:

pip3 install psst --upgrade

Checkout PNNL repositories from github

As noted above, we suggest mkdir usrc instead of mkdir ~/src on WSL.

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git config --global "your user name"
git config --global "your email"
git config --global credential.helper store
git clone -b feature/opendss
git clone -b master
git clone -b develop
git clone -b fncs_9.3.0
git clone -b develop
git clone
git clone
svn export

Choosing and Configuring the Install Directories

You must define the environment variable $TESP_INSTALL, which will receive the TESP build products, examples and common data files. /opt/tesp is suggested.

It’s possible, but not recommended, to set $TESP_INSTALL as /usr/local. There are a few reasons not to:

  1. It would result in shared TESP data files and examples being copied to /usr/local/share

  2. It complicates building the Linux installer and Docker images

  3. The simulators install properly to /usr/local by default, but you still have to explicity set $TESP_INSTALL for the example scripts to run properly.

The following examples are for Ubuntu; other flavors of Linux may differ.

For Ubuntu in a virtual machine, first edit or replace the /etc/environment file. This is not a script file, and it doesn’t support the $variable replacement syntax. If using $TESP_INSTALL, it has to be spelled out on each line, e.g.:


Log out and log back in to Ubuntu for these /etc/environment changes to take effect.

For Ubuntu in WSL, all changes are made to ~/.profile.

export TESP_INSTALL="/opt/tesp"
export GLPATH="$TESP_INSTALL/lib/gridlabd:$TESP_INSTALL/share/gridlabd"
export CXXFLAGS="-I$TESP_INSTALL/share/gridlabd"

Afterward, close and reopen the Ubuntu terminal for these changes to take effect.

The environment variable, CXXFLAGS, does not conflict with CXXFLAGS passed to various build tools. Only GridLAB-D uses the CXXFLAGS environment variable, and you should not use the variable append mechanism, i.e., :$CXXFLAGS, with it. This variable enables all of the GridLAB-D autotest cases to pass.


To build the shared libraries for FNCS with Python bindings:

cd ~/src/fncs
autoreconf -if
./configure 'CXXFLAGS=-w -O2' 'CFLAGS=-w -O2' --prefix=$TESP_INSTALL
# leave off --prefix if using the default /usr/local
sudo make install

To build the Java interface for version 10 or later, which has javah replaced by javac -h:

cd java
sudo -E make install

To build HELICS with Java bindings:

cd ~/src/HELICS-src
mkdir build
cd build
# leave off -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if using the default /usr/local
git submodule update --init
make -j4
sudo make install

Test that HELICS and FNCS start:

sudo ldconfig
helics_player --version
helics_recorder --version
fncs_broker --version # look for the program to start, then exit with error

Install HELICS Python 3 bindings for a version that exactly matches the local build:

pip3 install helics==2.6.1
# where 2.6.1 came from helics_player --version

Then test HELICS from Python 3:

>>> import helics
>>> helics.helicsGetVersion()
>>> quit()


To build the KLU solver:

cd ~/src/KLU_DLL
mkdir build
cd build
# replace $TESP_INSTALL with /usr/local if using the default
sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" cmake --build . --target install

To link with both FNCS and HELICS, and run the autotest suite:

cd ~/src/gridlab-d
autoreconf -isf

# in the following, --with-fncs and --with-helics can not be left blank, so use either $TESP_INSTALL or /usr/local for both
# leave off --prefix if using the default /usr/local
./configure --prefix=$TESP_INSTALL --with-fncs=$TESP_INSTALL --with-helics=$TESP_INSTALL --enable-silent-rules 'CFLAGS=-w -O2' 'CXXFLAGS=-w -O2 -std=c++14' 'LDFLAGS=-w'
# for debugging use 'CXXFLAGS=-w -g -O0' and 'CFLAGS=-w -std=c++14 -g -O0' and 'LDFLAGS=-w -g -O0'

sudo make install
gridlabd --validate


These following instructions install EnergyPlus with FNCS linkage and key portions of the retail v9.3 installation.

cd ~/src/EnergyPlus
mkdir build
cd build
# leave off -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if using the default /usr/local
make -j4
sudo make install

Build eplus_agent

cd ~/src/tesp/src/energyplus
# the following steps are also in
automake --add-missing
./configure --prefix=$TESP_INSTALL --with-fncs=$TESP_INSTALL 'CXXFLAGS=-w -O2' 'CFLAGS=-w -O2'
# leave off --prefix and --with-fncs if using the default /usr/local
sudo make install

Build EnergyPlus Weather File Utility

cd ~/src/tesp/support/weather/TMY2EPW/source_code
sudo -E make

Build ns3 with HELICS

First, in order to build ns-3 with Python bindings, we need to install the Python binding generator that it uses from source, and keep it updated for ns-3. The version from pip3 install pybindgen is not kept up to date for ns-3 builds.

cd ~/src
git clone
cd pybindgen
sudo python3 install

Then, we can build ns-3, install that into the same location as other parts of TESP, and test it:

cd ~/src/ns-3-dev
# first build: use the following command for HELICS interface to ns3:
git clone -b feature/13b contrib/helics
# subsequent builds: use the following 3 commands to update HELICS interface code:
# cd contrib/helics
# git pull
# cd ../..
# then configure, build and test ns3 with the HELICS interface
# --with-helics may not be left blank, so use either $TESP_INSTALL or /usr/local
./waf distclean
./waf configure --prefix=$TESP_INSTALL --with-helics=$TESP_INSTALL --build-profile=optimized --disable-werror --enable-logs --enable-examples --enable-tests
./waf build
sudo ./waf install

Prepare for Testing

This command ensures Ubuntu will find all the new libraries, before you try TESP Demonstrations and Examples.

# if using $TESP_INSTALL, edit the helper file tesp_ld.conf accordingly and then:
sudo cp ~src/tesp/install/Linux/helpers/tesp_ld.conf /etc/
# then, regardless of whether the previous command was necessary:
sudo ldconfig

In case you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, the TESP example scripts and post-processing programs only invoke python3.

Building Documentation

In order to build the documentation for ReadTheDocs:

pip3 install recommonmark --upgrade
pip3 install sphinx-jsonschema --upgrade
pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme --upgrade
# sphinxcontrib-bibtex 2.0.0 has introduced an incompatibility
pip3 install sphinxcontrib-bibtex==1.0.0
cd ~/src/tesp/doc
make html

Changes can be previewed in ~/src/tesp/doc/_build/html/index.rst before pushing them to GitHub. There is a trigger on ReadTheDocs that will automatically rebuild public-facing documentation after the source files on GitHub change.

Deployment - Ubuntu Installer

The general procedure will be:

  1. Build TESP, installing to the default /opt/tesp

  2. Clear the outputs from any earlier testing of the examples in your local repository

  3. Deploy the shared files, which include examples, to /opt/tesp/share

  4. Build opendsscmd to /opt/tesp/bin and to /opt/tesp/lib. (One source is the GridAPPS-D project repository under ~/src/CIMHub/distrib. Two copy commands are included in

  5. Make a sample user working directory, and auto-test the examples

  6. Build and upload a Linux script installer using VMWare InstallBuilder. This is primarly based on the contents of /opt/tesp

Under ~/src/tesp/install/helpers, the following scripts may be helpful:

  1.; runs sudo apt-get for all packages needed for the build

  2.; clones all repositories need for the build

  3.; removes temporary output from the example directories

  4.; copies redistributable files to /opt/tesp, invoking:

    1.; copies the ERCOT test system files to /opt/tesp

    2.; copies the example files to /opt/tesp

    3.; copies the taxonomy feeder, reference building, sample weather, helper scripts and other support files to /opt/tesp

  5.; sets TESP_INSTALL and other environment variables

  6. tesp_ld.conf; copy to /etc/ so Ubuntu fill find the shared libraries TESP installed

  7.; creates a working directory under the users home, and makes a copy of the shared examples and ERCOT test system.

Deployment - Docker Container

The Windows and Mac OS X platforms are supported now through the Docker container tesp_core. As pre-requisites for building this container:

  1. Install Docker on the build machine, following

  2. Build and test the Ubuntu installer as described in the previous subsection. By default, InstallBuilder puts the installer into ~/src/tesp/install/tesp_core, which is the right place for a Docker build.

This Docker build process layers two images. The first image contains the required system and Python packages for TESP, on top of Ubuntu 18.04, producing tesp_foundation. (In what follows, substitute your own DockerHub user name for temcderm)

cd ~/src/tesp/install/tesp_foundation
sudo docker build -t="temcderm/tesp_foundation:1.0.2" .

This process takes a while to complete. The second image starts from tesp_foundation and layers on the TESP components. Primarily, it runs the Linux installer script inside the Docker container. It will check for current versions of the packages just built into tesp_foundation, but these checks usually return quickly. The advantage of a two-step image building process is that most new TESP versions can start from the existing tesp_foundation. The only exception would be if some new TESP component introduces a new dependency.

cd ~/src/tesp/install/tesp_core
sudo docker build -t="temcderm/tesp_core:1.0.2" .

When complete, the layered image can be pushed up to Docker Hub.

cd ~/src/tesp/install/tesp_core
sudo docker push temcderm/tesp_core:1.0.2


This procedure to support MATPOWER is no longer used in TESP at PNNL, but it may be useful to others working with TESP and MATPOWER.

cd ~/src/tesp/src/matpower/ubuntu
mkdir temp
mv *.zip temp
cd temp
./install  # choose /usr/local/MATLAB/MCR/v81 for installation target directory
cd ..

# so far, start_MATPOWER executable is built
# see MATLAB_MCR.conf for instructions to add MCR libraries to the Ubuntu search path
# unfortunately, this creates problems for other applications, and had to be un-done.
# need to investigate further:
# see